A spacious room with specialised equipment - Maggýjarherbergi

The room is at Langisandur and is about 30 square meters. It features a range of special equipment including a specially equipped bed, specially equipped toilet and bathroom. Remote controls for lights and doors. TV and a computer are in the room and a sofa bed for a family member. 

The room is called Maggý's room to commemorate Magnea Karlsdóttir from Hveragerdi who died from ALS disease. The Assciation the clinic's support team, led by chairman Ásmundur Friðriksson, created this special facilit with the help of numerous companies and individuals.

If you have further questions about prices, facilitites or what services we provide you are welcome contact us by phone +354 483 0300 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.